About Us
D'Athens is a 100% eco-friendly clothing brand, our mission is to show case our great designs at the highest quality. This all started as a hobby of designing countless things on a Google slides later I wanted to go to adobe and create great designs. The name D'Athens comes from Athens Georgia where I was born and later left for D as In Doucs. I'm a high school student working hard to make this clothing brand be the best in the world. Our modo is "the best alone is good enough" which we incorporate in all of or designs. We believe that our products connect with our customers on a deeper level and express who they are. That's why we have created Custom design option, personally I have always wanted to add my own style to clothing or make little changes to fit me. Now with custom designs you can create your own sweaters, T-shirts, and sweat pants. All for creative freedom.We also have D'A News this is a blog post to support and showcase young talent. We interview countless people about there story and their goals. We even cooperate up coming artists to be featured on our website with their designs for limited time. To come see out of the box designs from all over, you want to subscribe on our website and social media's to stay posted. You can be featured too if you contact me on any of my social media's. D'Athens has big plans for pop up shops, our own clothing store, Fashion shows and more. But with your support we can be the most influential clothing brand out there.